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Dutch Term | English Term | Definition |
naam | company name | This specifically refers to the name of the newly incorporated company. |
naamloze vennootschap | public company with limited liability | Dutch law distinguishes between two types of limited liability companies: (i) public companies with limited liability (naamloze vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid or “N.V.”) and (ii) private companies with limited liability (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid or “B.V.”). The main differences between these two entities are as follows: • B.V.s (as opposed to N.V.s) cannot issue bearer shares. • N.V.s with bearer shares can be listed at the Dutch Stock Exchange. If certain conditions are met, the shares in a B.V. could be listed as well. • N.V.s must have a minimum issued and paid-in capital of EUR45,000. For B.V.s, no minimum issued and paid-in capital is required, as long as at least one share is issued to a person or legal entity other than the B.V. or its subsidiaries. • The nominal value of shares in B.V.s (as opposed to N.V.s) may be denominated in another currency other than the euro. • B.V.s, as opposed to N.V.s, can issue shares without voting or profit rights. • B.V.s are subject to less strict capital and creditor protection rules than N.V.s. For example, B.V.s do not need to acquire an auditor statement for contributions in kind. • Holders of a certain class of B.V. shares may appoint, suspend and dismiss their “own” managing director. • Holders of a certain class of N.V. shares may only have nomination rights in relation to the appointment of managing directors (these nomination rights may be overruled at the general meeting of shareholders). |
naar maatstaven van redelijkheid en billijkheid | it is fair and reasonable | |
nabestaandenpensioen | Survivors' Pension | |
nader aangevuld worden | further expanded on | |
nader uitwerken | expand on this | |
nadere beoordeling | detailed review | |
nagekomen, niet | breached | per dag dat dit bevel niet wordt nagekomen = for each day that this order is breached |
nagelaten | left | Dat hij heeft nagelaten als enige wettige en reservataire erfgenamen, zijn twee kinderen geboren en behouden uit zijn huwelijk met That he has left as his sole heirs at law, his two surviving children, born from his marriage to |
nakoming | steps to remedy the notified breach | Used in contracts to describe steps taken to remedy a breach that has been notified (ingebrekestelling). |
nalatenschap | estate; inheritance | Use 'estate' or 'inheritance' depending on the surrounding words (e.g. accept your inheritance; reject your inheritance; debts of the estate; estate has a positive balance) |
nalatenschap | estate | |
nalatenschap | estate | |
nalatenschap aanvaarden | accept your inheritance | |
nalatenschap verwerpen | reject your inheritance | Field: wills and probate |
naleving: afzien van de naleving | waiver of compliance with | Example: Dutch: indien alle overige aandeelhouders hebben meegedeeld af te zien van de naleving van die bepalingen; English: if all the other shareholders have given notice that they waive compliance with those provisions; |
Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut | Dutch Arbitration Institute | |
nevenactiviteiten | positions with outside companies | |
niet aan de orde | is not an issue; is out of the question; should not be considered | |
niet bezwaard met | free of burdens | niet bezwaard met bijzondere lasten - free of burdens |
niet gebleken of aannemelijk gemaakt | no proof or evidence | |
niet genoteerde onderneming | non-listed company | |
niet gewerkte uren | non-worked hours | |
niet in geld waardeerbare zaak | non-monetary claim | |
niet onderbouwd | no arguments were provided | |
niet-ontvankelijk | inadmissible | |
niet-ontvankelijkheidsverklaring | plea of inadmissibility | |
niet-volgestorte | not yet fully paid up; partly paid | Context: partly-paid shares; shares not yet fully paid up |
niet-waarneembare gebreken | latent defects | It is the nature of construction projects that faults and defects caused by failures in design, workmanship or materials, may not become apparent or readily detectable (even with the exercise of reasonable care) until many years after completion of the project, long after the end of the defects liability period. Such defects are known as latent defects (as opposed to patent defects which are apparent). |
nietig | void ab initio; void; null and void | |
nietig zijn of vernietigd worden | declared wholly or partly null and void or annulled | Indien één of meerdere bepalingen in deze algemene voorwaarden op enig moment geheel of gedeeltelijk nietig zijn of vernietigd worden, dan blijft de overeenkomst en deze voorwaarden voor het overige in stand en zal de betreffende bepaling in onderling overleg onverwijld vervangen worden door een bepaling dat de strekking van het oorspronkelijke zoveel mogelijk benaderd. If any provision (or part of any provision) in these General Terms and Conditions is at any time held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the contract and the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will remain fully applicable and the relevant provision will be replaced without delay, in consultation between the parties, by a provision which approximates as closely as possible the purpose and intent of the original provision. |
nietigverklaring | nullity; declaration of nullity | |
non-concurrentiebeding | non-compete clause | Non-compete clauses (a form of “restrictive covenant”) are inserted into employment contracts to restrict an individual's ability to work for a competing business, or to establish a competing business for a defined period after termination. |
non-concurrentiebeding | non-compete clause | |
Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor behoud van Werkgelegenheid | Emergency Bridging Measure for the Preservation of Jobs | |
Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor behoud van Werkgelegenheid (NOW) | Emergency Bridging Measure for the Preservation of Jobs (NOW scheme) | |
noot | comment | |
Nota van Inlichting | Explanatory Notes (to Bills) | Explanatory Notes are documents that explain the purpose of a Bill. All Government Bills and some Private Members' Bills have an accompanying Explanatory Note. |
notaris | civil-law notary | |
nu | given that | |
nu dat | given that | |
nu voor alsdan | in anticipation; in advance | welke overdracht door Op- drachtgever reeds nu voor alsdan wordt aanvaard - whereby this transfer is accepted in anticipation by the Client machtigt Opdrachtnemer Opdrachtgever reeds nu voor alsdan onherroepelijk - the Supplier irrevocably authorises the Client in advance |