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Dutch Term | English Term | Definition |
daar | given that | |
dading | release; settlement | |
dagvaarden | to summons | Note the 's' at the end (summons, not summon). |
dagvaarding | writ of summons | In The Netherlands, civil proceedings can be initiated by issuing a dagvaarding. There is an inleidende dagvaarding (initiating writ of summons/original writ of summons). The nearest equivalent is "writ of summons" - a type of writ used to start a civil case in the High Court. This has been known as a 'claim form' since April 1999 (Lord Woolf's reforms). N.B. The current UK usage of 'subpoena' is "a court order commanding the presence of a witness under penalty of fine for failure." Bryan Garner, A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage. |
dagvaarding in tussenkomst | forced intervention by writ of summons | De gedwongen tussenkomst in vrijwaring gebeurt middels dagvaarding, van de derde door de verweerder in het lopende geding. De vrijwillige tussenkomst gebeurt middels verzoekschrift. |
dagvaarding in tussenkomst en vrijwaring op verzoek | intervening application | |
datum in dienst | employment start date | |
de feiten en omstandigheden die in de bewijsmiddelen zijn vervat | facts in the evidence | |
de hoofvordering en de incidentele vordering | the principal action and the incident (action) | |
debiteurenafdeling | accounts receivable | |
decharge verlenen | ratification of acts of directors | Wording that appears in the Companies Act 2006. |
decreet | decree | Statutory Instrument issued by the language communities/the Flemish and Walloon Regions. |
deelneming | participating interest | A holding of 20% or more of the shares of an undertaking is presumed to be a participating interest unless the contrary is shown. |
deelneming | participating interest | Taken from 'SCHEDULE 1 / COMPANIES ACT INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS' |
deelneming | participating interest | From the Companies Act 2006: A “participating interest” means an interest held in the shares of an undertaking by another undertaking or individual which is held on a long-term basis for the purpose of securing a contribution to the activities of the second undertaking or individual by the exercise of control or influence arising from or related to that interest. |
deelneming | participating interest | According to EU Directive. |
deelneming | partnership interest | Specifically for a Vennootschap (limited partnership). Partnership Interest means an ownership interest in the Partnership held by either a Limited Partner or the General Partner and includes any and all benefits to which the holder of such a Partnership Interest may be entitled as provided in this Agreement, together with all obligations of such Person to comply with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. |
deelvonnis | partial award | |
dekkingstoezegging | promise of cover | |
derdengelden | trust | |
derdenrekeningen | trust | |
derdenverzet | third-party proceedings | |
deugdelijkheid van de uitvoering | quality of workmanship | There is 'good workmanship' and 'poor workmanship' and 'defective workmanship'. |
dictum | operative part of the judgment | |
dienende dag | the hearing date | |
dienst, in dienst treden van de Werkgever | join the Employer | |
dienstbetrekking | employed position | |
dienstr. tsl | rostering allowance | dienstregeling toeslag |
diplomatermijn | diploma period | Bij een opleiding op mbo niveau 3 of 4 heeft een student 10 jaar de tijd om een diploma op minimaal niveau 3 te behalen. Dit is de diplomatermijn. Lukt dit, dan wordt de prestatiebeurs omgezet in een gift. |
directeur groot aandeelhouder | director and major shareholder | Abbreviation: DGA in Dutch, DMS in English |
directie | directorate | |
disfunctioneren | unfit for office | Bij disfunctioneren gaat het om de situatie dat de prestaties van de werknemer niet voldoen aan de verwachtingen die de werkgever daarvan heeft. |
documenten ter bevestiging van de handtekenings- en machtigingsbevoegdheid | documents confirming the Buyer’s power of signature and authorisation | |
doel | objects | ‘Objects’ (in the plural) of a company are the activities it pursues; do not translate as ‘purpose’, ‘goal’, etc. |
doorbetaling van loon tijdens ziekte | paid sick leave | |
dossier | claim file | In an insurance context. Context: ...close my file |
drempels | limits | In an insurance context. |
driepartijenovereenkomst realisatie | tri-party realisation agreement | |
DSCR | Debt Coverage Service Ratio | |
duurovereenkomst | continuing performance contract | |
duurovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd | continuing performance contract | |
duurzaam ondernemen | sustainability; sustainable business | |
dwingend recht | mandatory law |